13th November 2022
Implementation The implementation part started with the hunt for assets. The assets were researched and finalised by my other teammate Prithvi from the unity asset store. We used a simple capsule painted in white for the player character and were supposed to take the role of a White Blood cell. Further, we used a 3D asset of Covid 19 particles as an enemy(Red Bacteria, enemy AI).
A simple cell asset was used to represent the unit to be protected (Red blood cells)
Game Aesthetic
The first map chosen was a low-poly village map targeted towards, casual players while; the second map had a fantasy setting targeted towards, the players who are primarily committed towards shooting games.
First Map
Second Map
Game Mechanics
The three main mechanics:
Combat: -Shooting: Simple gun mechanics where the player tries to kill the Enemy AI, when in a close radius.
AI Navigation: -The AI Enemy (Red Bacteria) follows and tries to destroy the Red Blood Cells(NPC).
Character Movement : -It uses First Person Shooter(FPS) movement which involves the main camera imitating First Person Perspective (FPP).
Once the assets were imported and the levels were set, the prototype was built by our third teammate Omer Sari. He introduced constraints such as collision detection, enemy AI mechanics etc. 30th November 2022 On the day of the presentation
I was responsible for introducing the game concept as well as giving an overview of the game in front of my game design coursemates and faculty members- Dr Jarek and Prof. Hope Caton. My teammates Omer and Prithvi explained the game mechanics for level 1 and level 2 respectively.
Gameplay video
Feedback from our Game Design Professors:
Although, there was a bit of ambiguity concerning the build issues as we showed 2 levels with two distinct mechanics in a different project as we faced last minuted build compiling issues. The gameplay and concept were comprehensible to everyone. The only problem was the two different environments that made it reviewed as "too ambitious". As the goal was to focus majorly on the design and build a simple game prototype as a game designer.
Project Reflection Even though the game concept we came up with was something different compared to the other teams, our team lacked team communication and was in sync. Perhaps the last minuted build issues and not being clear with compiling made our prototype seem complicated. I'm glad that our game design professors told us places to improve as we were doing well in the design part.